Thursday, April 21st, 2005
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EarthDay 2005 EarthDay is 35 years old, and yet we find ourselves fighting many of the same battles. Why? And what have we learned after all this time? A special historic clip helps us understand why this has taken so long.
A new movement to do exactly what it says, and wean ourselves from the increasing threat that depending on foreign oil creates. We talk with Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn of Batelle about oil and the threat to our national security.
by Rocky Mountain Institute: Download
Winning the Oil Endgame (PDF-1.9 MB)
(note: this is a 331 page document) A tribute to the many voices that have helped to bring us 35 years of EarthDays, from the Wild Side News Archives. And please enjoy our new Wild Side News Stores and support the Wild Side News. Thanks. SW |