Thursday, May 11, 2006 in 10 Years! Just a year after this in-depth show was first aired, its relevance to today's news becomes clear . . . all of a sudden, everyone's talking about energy independence, from GW to GM. Here is the complete picture, from those who organized it first, the workers, corporations, NGO's, cities and entrepreneurs. Now it's time to step into production! Let's unite and make this happen.
Another in the Series: Decade of Discovery You can listen to this two-hour show, without interruption, by clicking here. |
If you have not heard of the Apollo Alliance, it's time you did, because it can bring back strength and honor to America. And if you are familiar, this show will give you a terrific understanding of what the Apollo Alliance is all about. We talk with Bracken Hendricks, Director, and 6 other leading partners and friends of the Apollo Alliance in this historic "Special Edition" of the Wild Side News. Show description. Following on the success of the Apollo Project, which put a man on the moon in ten years, the Apollo Alliance is aggressively promoting the belief that with the right will and investment, the US can become energy independent in 10 years. Backed by leading unions and environmental organizations, the Apollo Alliance works to create millions of jobs, clean up the environment and keep America in the forefront of sustainability. It is important that you know about the Apollo Alliance, because its success depends on us in the US joining this important mission.
click here to go to "Our Children's World"
King County Workers Center Richard Feldman is the Director of the King County Workers Center. He talks about the impacts the Apollo Alliance is having in the Seattle area and Washington State, in creating quality jobs and more.
Intertribal Council on Energy Policy But as we head out into the hinterlands of America, will the Apollo Alliance reach there as well? To find out, we talk with Bob Gough, Director of the Intertribal Council on Utilities Policy, which serves Native American Tribes and communities in northern states and beyond. Are they embracing the new vision?
The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
So tune in. This show tells the story of what will become the idea that changed America. Just for fun . . . while you're waiting . . . . Listen to Live whale songs from Kihei,Maui Listen to the California Landscape
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