
   September 23, 2004


Part One

News. . . then . . . 

A Special Report . . . on


Rick Durden     Pilot /  Board President

Rick has flown with LightHawk for 15 years. His missions have taken him repeatedly to Central American countries. He talks about the impact this is having on the future of those struggling lands as they try to balance the many pressures of development.  

Part Two


Marlow Schmauder      Associate Director

LightHawk is an association of private pilots who donate their planes and their passions to the service of the earth. Find out what they do, the difference they make, and the ways you can help to keep their mission "flying".

Part Three

Key Dismukes   LightHawk Pilot

Shares his experiences over the past 12 years giving decision makers the perspective they need to make enlightened choices.