Radio Show

for Thursday, November 16, 2006 

Course Changes Ahead

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 Segment 1

News  . . . then

Animal Assisted Living

Travis Fogle


How animals are making a huge difference with people who suffer with Alzheimer's and dementia.



   Segment 2        


Bruce Hamilton

National Conservation Director



Post-election visions. So what does a shift in the balance of power, not only in Congress but state and local governments as well, mean for the future of nature and the environment?

And what should a Sierra Club member do, now that he/she has a clearer vision of the problems? 




Segment 3


Will Teft

Map expert



100,000 different maps available.

Despite Google Earth, the Internet and GPS, people everywhere maintain their fascination with good old paper maps.


send your comments 

to Sidney Wildesmith at


Painting "Confusion" by Mathias Duhamel (