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We are forming an effective radio network to serve the earth. By partnering, you become part of that network. As our membership grows, we will provide the single most effective means of communicating a message of hope, action and unity.

Become a Friend (click here)

Become a Friend of the Wild Side News and help promote nature and a healthy environment. Receive our weekly email with show information, plus timely announcements, and be eligible for upcoming special privileges amongst our friends, partners and sponsors. 

Become a Partner (click here) 

Meet our Partners

Become a Partner and show your support for our Voice of the Earth Radio Network.  By cross-linking and encouraging your members to tune in, we will create an effective communications media to unite our efforts.  It's so simple. Become a Partner.

Become a Sponsor (click here)


Your radio spots help you to help the earth and keep our voices reaching around the world

 Phone 760-436-8776  or email  wildsidenews@cox.net for a rate sheet, show information and special offers.

Become an Underwriter (click here)


Underwrite ads for your favorite organizations

We have Partner organizations that are looking for the opportunity to promote their mission through the Wild Side News. Help them and the Wild Side News continue by underwriting radio ads with your tax-deductible contributions.